First Thoughts on House Styles

         Every magazine today uses house styles in their editing. House styles are utilized to differentiate magazines from each other. It generally utilizes different styles and fonts which could further help readers identify what kind of magazine they are reading. It can ultimately depend o how the logo is formatted, word placement, font size, etc. It sets the most common types of magazines apart from each other. House styles are developed through what the editor of the magazine really wants the overall look to illustrate. There are many things that could've influenced the development of a house style. For example, the way Greek letters are used and written could be demonstrated as a house style in a magazine. House styles are going to set the magazine apart aside from the logo of the company. That is generally why they are in every major magazine. 

        Since there are multiple variations of house styles, usually they are based upon the different genres of magazines. More formal magazines such as, Time Magazine use more of direct and simple approach when writing their magazines. On the other hand, People magazine is more loose and decorative with their writing style. As far as, the audience that is trying to be reached it'll depend on the house style of the magazine. For teenage magazines, they'll be more loose crazy fonts, letters, color schemes, etc. House styles are very consistent as well, so the author rarely ever changes how the magazine is put together and written. The idea of house styles has changed how I view magazines because before I wasn't very aware of house styles and what significance it had to magazines and how they are written.




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