Description of Interview


I choose to interview my model, Shaony Lopez, about her experiences as a curly hair girl and her younger years. Through my variety of questions, she spoke in grave detail about how she felt lost as a young girl. The media only portrayed white women with straight year which negatively impacted her identity. In her terms, she did not know she had curly hair as a child. She was told by her peers that her hair was "nappy" and "unkempt" which has been proven to be false. As the interview progressed, she spoke of how her view of her hair has significantly changed. She is now capable of properly managing her hair and states how it took much "trial and error" to get the point she is at now. In better terms, she expresses how she loves her hair and would not change it for anything in the world. Also, how the beauty industry and media needs to broadcast more diversity so that children who look like her has the proper representation growing up. The interview was successful and consisted of detailed responses that were very valuable to my magazine.


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